国产 人兽 《蓝精灵:寻找秘要村》电影精讲(视频)

发布日期:2024-08-20 08:53    点击次数:90

国产 人兽 《蓝精灵:寻找秘要村》电影精讲(视频)

影片简介:国产 人兽





1. The rotten apple doesn't fall too far from the tree after all. 毕竟有其父必有其子。

2. You're grounded. 闭门念念愆。/你们被禁足了。

3. So, everybody, whatever you do, don't eat all your rations. 是以环球无论若何别把我方的口粮给吃光了。

4. Ruining things is my thing. 烧毁东西但是我的刚劲。

5. But he's our sworn enemy. 可他是咱们的死仇敌。

6. Smurfette, talk some sense into him. 蓝妹妹,快劝劝他啊。

7. Trust me, they're goners. 折服我,他们死定了。

8. I hate to break it to you, but those aren't trees. 我不想扫你的颜面,但这些不是树。

9. Don't worry. Clumsy's in good hands. 别总结。笨笨会被关切得很好的。

10. This is getting a little out of hand, don't you think? 事情有点不行打理了,你们不合计吗?


Smurfette: Brainy. Hefty? You okay?

Brainy: Define "okay."国产 人兽

Smurfette: Where's Clumsy?

Hefty & Brainy: Clumsy! Clumsy!

Smurfette: Clumsy! Clumsy!

Clumsy: I'm good.

Crabs: Run away! Run away!

Clumsy: Hey. I think.

Brainy: My pack! My manual! No! No, no, no! No, no, no! My Scout manual! This is all your fault!

Hefty: What?

Smurfette: Brainy, cut it out.

Brainy: I'm sorry. Correction. This is your fault, too.

Hefty: Leave her out of this.

Smurfette: Hefty, I don't need you to fight my fights for me.

Hefty: Wait, now you're mad at me, too?

Brainy: Smurfette, you're the one that got us into this whole mess in the first place.

Smurfette: Hey, I was ready to do this on my own.

Hefty: Great. So much for Team Smurf.


Clumsy: I want to yell about something!

Brainy: Stay out of this, Clumsy.

Hefty: That's it, Brain Man. It's time for you to earn your manners badge.

Smurfette: Stop it! Take cover!

Hefty: Who are you? What do you want?

Smurf girl: Her. Move.

Hefty: Smurfette!

Smurf girl1: What should we do with her?

Smurf girl2: Look at that hair.

Smurf girl3: Where's she from?

Smurf girl2: And that dress.

Smurfette: It's you. You're a girl. She's a girl. Oh. Oh. Oh.

Smurflily: This is her. This is the Smurf I was telling you about.

Smurf girls: The one from the wall? She's real?

Smurflily: I'm Smurflily.

Smurfette: Hi. I'm Smurfette.

(中国日报网英语点津 陈丹妮)国产 人兽



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